This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The Waterloo Region Record ticks me off the way they change the titles on their newspaper articles, as the day unfolds. What started as "Hudak blames unions for PC loss to NDP" morphed into something about "...union muscle...". It makes it difficult to provide links to their stories when they keep changing their titles. Anyways yes of course any group or lobby has some power, as in more power than any one individual. It is a little disingenuous however for Mr. Hudak to be referring to public sector unions as "...dangerous and ominous for the province to see that power on display.". Oh God yes; just look at how union power has ruled us politically in this province for what...four years back in the early 90's. Federally it's even worse. Aren't the danged NDP and unions?...what in opposition?

I will say this. I like Tim Hudak. Don't mistake me here. I'd never vote for the prick. I just like him because occasionally he actually speaks bluntly and truthfully. Conservatives would cheerfully chew off somebody else's arm in order to ban unionism outright. They'd love to find a way to stickhandle around the right of free association. They hate the Rand formula and yes there are occasional bad employers out there but all the workers and non elites have to do is change jobs to get better conditions and wages. Everybody can be as ruthless as Henry Ford or the Rockefellers and become millionaires. The world is so simple for Conservatives and they just can't grasp that for every good job there are a hundred crappy ones. As long as they and their friends get the good ones then what's the problem?

Yes the public sector unions and the provincial NDP backed Catherine Fife big time and provided 700 volunteers. Somebody give me 700 volunteers (plus $$$) and watch me get elected. What also helped of course is that both McGuinty (Liberal) and Hudak (Conservative) drove union support directly to the NDP. And finally get over it, it was a by-election. Maybe she will get re-elected and maybe she won't. Pretending however that unions and labour have too much power is simply untruthful and ridiculous. Unionism has never been so weakened throughout North America as it is now. Can they come back from the brink? Maybe but they've actually got to do more for labour in general and not be so ridiculously myopic in legitimate matters concerning employee misconduct and incompetence. Backing the bad apples no matter what weakens unions' credibilty and their legitimacy. Fix that and maybe, just maybe they can make gains in the labour force. In other words seize the moral high ground from employers. That really shouldn't be so difficult.

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