This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


It seems to have taken decades and a global economic meltdown or two but at least we are starting to get the truth. Canada's mass immigration is and always has been no more than the financial elites in Canada flexing their political muscle in order to flood our labour markets. My children and yours will have difficulty gaining long term reasonably well paid employment because they will be competing for limited jobs with literally millions of others who were brought here for the sole purpose of lowering wages and weakoning unions. This is the right wing ideological agenda of both Stephen Harper and Tim Hudak and all the Conservatives before them. By the way don't expect much better from the Liberals.

Today's Waterloo Region Record carrys this story titled "Are we becoming a low-wage resource economy?". I had trouble getting the link to the Record so I've linked it back to the Toronto Star. Here is a stunning statement. Politicians generally speaking are professional liars. They are in office to promote the well being of a very select few at the expense of all the rest. Yes folks, Canadian citizens just like citizens the world over are nothing but cannon fodder for the maintenance, betterment and overall snazzier lifestyles of the elite which exist in every country, whether democracy or tyranny.

This article by Thomas Walkom gives us a brief history of how cheap immigrant labour has been used here in Canada to break unions and reduce wages. It tells us how our politicians and industrial leaders have lied through their teeth whether suggesting "unique skills" of immigrants or that there are labour shortages. All of it is complete rubbish and horse manure.

Keep in mind the lying goes both ways. Our leaders lie to us and to the prospective migrant workers. Do you think that incoming agricultural workers are told that they will work for less money and under worse conditions than current Canadians; while living in squalid conditions? Not likely. Do you think that strike breakers brought in from Europe are told ahead of time that they are here to hurt current Canadians and to make more money for the owners. Not bloody likely. Incoming Canadians today are just like those who came here over a hundred years ago. Thay want a better life for themselves and their families and they are willing to work for it. What they aren't told is that they are basically here to keep the immigrants before them in line. They are brought here by our monied class, via bought and paid for politicians, in order to maintain their privelege and staus quo.

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