This Blog will discuss politics, government, corruption, police, S.I.U., courts, education, min. of attorney general, min. of labour, v.o.i.c.e. and other current and past events of interest to concerned citizens. In the "About me" section to the right and down I have included the names of persons whom I have tremendous respect for. Their influence on me however has been primarily environmental (and personal) and this is therefore a disclaimer that all words posted on this Blog/Website are mine and I alone am responsible for them. I say this with the greatest respect and affection to my friends.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The short answer I expect is no. First of all I am unaware of any single instance of a repeat offender. That of course is after they are stopped. Robert Pickton in British Columbia continued murdering for years. Most of the U.S. school shooters tend to commit suicide thus removing all possibility of doing it again. Yet it happens again and again, just with different madmen involved.

What are the common denominators? Well generally the perpetraters are armed with a firearm and they generally attack "soft" targets such as schools. I don't recall anywhere in Canada or the U.S. where a mass murderer attacked a police station or even a military installation. Afterall both those locations would most likely elicit a very quick and deadly response.

So if many of these killers are prepared to kill themselves; is the attack on soft targets (unarmed adults & children) not to avoid eventual retaliation but to run up the body count as quickly as possible? It would seem that way. Is this the best or only way for them to get the attention they feel they deserve? In the U.S. especially a murder of two or three adults is way too commonplace and essentially non newsworthy. These individuals know that killing multiple innocent and defenceless children will provoke outrage. Their deeds will not be soon forgotten. Is this what it's all about? Basically a pathetic attempt to matter? Have these individuals been invisible all their lives?

Aside from increased vigilance from people who deal professionally with at risk children and teens; can anyone else intervene or sound the alarm when they see individuals exhibiting strange or anti social behaviour? Family members would be the most likely but they are hardly likely to turn in their own children or siblings until after a traumatic event has occurred.

Then there are the weapons themselves. Clearly our mass murderers carry guns into a basically weaponless environment to ensure they can do what they came to do without interference until the professionals show up. Seriously does anyone believe reducing magazine capacities, and or banning certain makes and models will stop someone intent upon mayhem and murder? How well armed do you really need to be to walk into a classroom of five and six year olds and start killing?

I don't know the answer although I expect there are some who do. I presume mass mental health studies and assessments would be nearly impossible and even then do we actually have the knowledge to be able to accurately interpret a test and say that this person is a threat to commit mass murder? I'm very skeptical of that. Meanwhile we will continue to demand solutions from our politicians who may well respond this time but it will not stop the next tragedy. Logical thought can't outhink irrational or crazy thought.


  1. Alan, I would like to reprint this on my site The Cambridge Herald

    I would include a link back to this site. I also would like permission to use other writings of yours, I find them interesting and I think others would as well. Thank You. Jimm Hillis

  2. Jimm: Well I think I'm flattered. Tell you what if you're making money from it we should probably talk further. If you're however just doing what I'm doing and spreading information and opinions for free then heck go for it. P.S. I guess I'd better check out The Cambridge Herald.

  3. No money being made here. The site is intended for the average citizen to be able to have a say no matter what their level of writing is. Once again thank you for allowing me to use your material. Jimm Hillis
